Friday, March 11, 2005

3 to tAnGo (for a MaNgO !!)

I have enjoyed most of my summer vacations in Mumbai (almost all till I was in school). As you might be knowing summer is the season for Mangoezz.... earlier we used to stay at Vile-Parle(W) behind Bajaj Road... there used to be a Mango Tree (Aambo in gujju) near the house... It was so close that we could take down the mangoes by hitting with a stick from our balcony... enjoied a great deal eating them... It used to be Me, and two cousins of mine... three of us... (Lord of the Mangoes - Fellowship of mangoes ;=)

After few years, we moved to borivali... there was also a mango tree there... but wasnt that easily approachable... Still we tried with a bigger stick and all... and managed to succeed upto some extent... Once we (fellowship) were having a stroll around the house... We saw a mango tree that had big mangoes hanging through it... They were low enough, so that we can jump and grab them... The tallest among us, tried the stunt and succeeded... yeah... then we heard "Oye.... Rukk..." We saw that a man was shouting at us and was coming towards us... We got a bit tensed... We opted to run to home... dude also ran after us, shouting and screaming... and got us, when we were almost home... He told us... "The mango you ppl have took is from my tree.. you trespassed my territory, I wont let you go like that"... We were too small then to deal with him, so took him home along with us... where few elders came in handy... they talked with dude and finalized the deal... 100 bucks for one damn mango... and the mango was all ours... it has to be this mango which we should have enjoied the most till date ;-)


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